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The Cosmic Ray of Solar Christ Consciousness ,        a beautiful 24 minute transmission with New Earth Guide Anrita Melchizedek.
New Earth Quantum Healing Activation  
Cosmic Ray of Solar Christ Consciousness
In this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation, you will experience the Cosmic ray of Solar Christ Consciousness and the Overlighting of the Inner Plane Masters, guiding you ever deeper into Self-Mastery.
This is a beautiful Copper-Gold colored ray and takes you deeper into the emotional body and feeling realm. This is where all you have suppressed comes up to be released and transcended, and where you experience many of the “Heaven and Hell” archetypal energies.
You remain in frequency and consciousness at this fourth dimensional level until you have released and cleared the fields of physical density and karmic timelines within for the Soul embodiment commencement. This is also where you deepen your connection to Gaia, your Universe, your Higher Selves, and the many Illumined Beings of Light.
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a 24 minute transmission.
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New Earth Quantum Healing Activations
with Anrita Melchizedek
Ascension Frequency Attunements and Activations Overlighted by the Galactics
By Anrita Melchizedek. Voices of the Light Tribe